The Allergy Health MD test
This is a new method of percutaneous testing that is completely needle-free and safer for all patients. We only have to apply, wait, measure and record the results.
With the Allergy Health MD™ Test, PCPs we are able to:
1. Confirm the patient has allergies.
2. Easily and accurately identify the individual allergens that are triggering allergy symptoms.
3. Help patients avoid sensitivities, as they have been identified.
A Needle-free and convenient allergy treatment!
The universal and multi-regional Allergy Health MD™ oral (sublingual) drops are safe, easy, affordable, and self-administered by the patients every morning. No more weekly trips to the allergist, and no more painful injections!
These drops are simple and easy to use for everyone, made from antigen extracts and they are less expensive than injections and meds! Providing national immunity coverage and they are safe for teens, preteens, adults, infants over 6 months, and elderly patients (pregnant mothers should consult their physicians).