Food Sensitivity Testing

Sometimes, your body will react abnormally to a particular food.

However, it could be hard to tell the food was responsible since symptoms often appear long after you’ve eaten.

Common Symptoms

Common symptoms of food sensitivity you may have experienced or currently experiencing include gas, bloating, headaches, fatigue, stomach cramps, diarrhea, etc.

Prevent Health Issues

It’s important to know what food you’re sensitive to, so you can prevent health issues and act quickly in the event of any emergency.

Healthy Living

The Food Sensitivity Testing at the National HealthCare Center is designed to help uncover potential foods you can eliminate from your diet for healthy living.
NHCC – Food Sensitivity Testing

Food Allergy is not Food Sensitivity

You shouldn’t mistake food sensitivity (Type II/III food allergy) for a classic Type I food allergy. Both are commonly confused with each other, but the primary difference is in how your body reacts.

Food allergies are triggered by the IgE (Immunoglobulin E) allergic antibodies of your immune system in response to food it considers a threat to your body. Symptoms manifest faster, usually within minutes to hours of food intake, and could be potentially life-threatening.

On the other hand, food sensitivities are triggered by IgG (Immunoglobulin G) allergic antibodies. Symptoms are much less severe and often delayed, sometimes occurring 2 to 3 days after consuming the food.

How the Food Sensitivity Test Works

The Food Sensitivity test at the National HealthCare Center is performed in a highly specialized laboratory to detect the levels of IgG antibodies your body directs against specific foods.

Schedule Your Appointment

First, you have to schedule an in-person appointment with a specialist at the National HealthCare Center.

Measure Your Body's Reaction

Using your blood samples, our experts can measure your body’s reaction when exposed to common food proteins. This test will help us understand how your body reacts to the food you eat and to what extent.

nutritional guidelines

How the Test can Help You

Perhaps you may have been experiencing food sensitivity symptoms before now. The test results can help us pinpoint which specific foods or preservatives you may be sensitive to by running the Food Sensitivities Profile.

Based on the results, we can then provide diet recommendations, nutritional guidelines, and other forms of professional support on selectively changing your diet.

Book an Appointment

Contact us today at (678) 664-9655 to book an appointment with our specialists.